Thursday, March 18, 2010

Hacky, Wheezy, & Snoozy

Yes, Hacky, Wheezy, and Snoozy are the new "it" dwarves (the other 4 would be Hungry, Survivey, Anxiety, and Meditatey).

Dwarf 1: Hacky decided to bring me a lovely hacking cough that involves wheezing whilst and beyond coughing fits. Lovely, right around finals AND when I'm due to start working at my new job. Absolutely perfect timing, no? I swear I sound like I have the it black or white or yellow or whatever the hell...I sound like I'm going to infect the world.

Dwarf 2: Wheezy is the cousin to Hacky. 'nuff said.

Dwarf 3: Snoozy is the dwarf that decides to pop in and out whenever he pleases. Damn this creature. Tea is not an adequate fortress against Snoozy so sometimes I will just crash, despite the incredible inconvenience it will lead to (and desperation)...and consequences. And other times, he's good and stays away and lets me actually be awake and productive.

Survivey and Anxiety are always I give up trying to boot these dwarves out...though they might downgrade their insanity after this afternoon. Here's to hoping, right? Hungry comes and goes....but I haven't been treating this dwarf too nicely. I keep eating junk food and snacking...ah well. Meditatey is the dwarf that keeps tugging at my heartstrings and I do little methods like breathing but I simply do not have the energy or time to sit and just try to full out meditatively write, although I know I urgently need to!

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