Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Upcoming + new fave quote

"The overdressed traveller betrays more interest in being seen than in seeing, while the true traveller knows that the novel world about her serves as the most appropriate accessory." ~Galinda/"Wicked" by Gregory Maguire


Definitely lovin' the idea of coming up with more bumper stickers for Cafepress. I've been playing with the idea of designing some more shirts, but less at someone's request and more for myself--that is, something I'd actually buy for myself. I've been inspired with coming up with affordable Christmas gifts this year that both have great significance and something creatively personal. I'll write more (and post more) when I develop them further.

On a bigger scale, I'm planning on decorating my tiny (8.5' x 8.5';) room before my classes start in October. That gives me about 2 weeks and that should be more than enough time! I'm going to do a fabric canvas on one wall, something vibrant and makes me happy, especially since this is a very small room and the room is extremely tiny. I'm also going to put up my Rent poster and two prints I bought from museums in Paris that I've treasured. I'll eventually make a vision board so that'll go up as well. In the works as well is an altar of the spiritual/creative variety, something that holds personal meaning and reminds me when I'm down that life doesn't quite suck TOO much.

Wish me luck!

Friday, September 11, 2009

Happy September

September bodes several things:

[a] time for me to return to San Francisco
[b] the anniversary of September 11
[c] my futile attempts to rid myself of one-piece swimsuit tan lines
[d] a whole lot of scrapbooking and Photoshop-ing
[e] seeing the musical South Pacific


I impulsively decided to make a bumper sticker for my CafePress store and so I started off with a simple one: http://www.cafepress.com/Ivymere.407184363

It's a "got snark?" bumper sticker with a basic black background and pink font. I am feeling a bit of the mood to make more so I might do a couple more this weekend. I'll share them here when I do.