Tuesday, April 13, 2010

I Take Back My Ownership

"I should be allowed to feel good about myself." Will Schuester

This is what I want to say to people who keep telling me (or thinking that) I'm lucky. "Lucky" that I found a job (not THE dream job) before I even graduated that will set me on the right career path. "Lucky" that I "get" to go to Europe for study abroad...twice. "Lucky" that I only interviewed at one job and didn't need to go through the second round of interviews and was hired. "Lucky" that I "get" to move to the mainland to go to school for my passion. And it keeps going....

Apparently, people around me seem to have this mistaken impression that everything is handed to me on a big ass silver platter. And apparently maybe it appears to them like I'm sitting on my ass and doing nothing...

Attributing the steps I took leading up to this "lucky result" to LUCK is negating everything I did do and all the hard work I put in. Just because you don't actually HEAR or SEE my hard work and preparation doesn't mean it didn't occur. You didn't see the hours I panicked at school while preparing my portfolio to make it decent because my laptop had died. You didn't see the years of part-time jobs I worked at to save up for going abroad because I knew there was no way I'd get financial or emotional support from my family, or the tears, or the anxiety, or the guilt. You didn't witness the arguments for an entire year prior to moving to San Francisco/FIDM. Until you walk these steps...

I should be allowed to feel good about myself, the accomplishments I have achieved, and the experiences I have gained.