Sunday, February 21, 2010

Deep Appreciation

You, who listens with such patience,
thank you.

You, who gives me a heart-filled hand,
thank you.

You, who cheers me on impossible days,
thank you.

You, who stays unwaveringly near me,
thank you.

You, who remains supportive,
thank you.

You, who freely shares love,
thank you.

You, who appears to be a guardian angel,
thank you.

Merci, do jie, gracias, xie xie, arigatoo, efharisto, grazie, mahalo...
thank you.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Overwhelmed, overloaded, and over it.

"The overdressed traveller betrays more interest in being seen than in seeing, while the true traveller knows that the novel world about her serves as the most appropriate accessory." ~Galinda/"Wicked" by Gregory Maguire


Been keeping busy trying to play catch up. I've always hated doing catch up stroke while swimming when first learning to do the proper front crawl, and I hate catch up in any sense whatsoever. It slows the momentum. But unfortunately, I've lost the momentum for school and for life. I'm trying really hard to get into the zone again. Look, here I am, typing in my blog, playing the avoidance. As one friend so lovingly reminded me, avoidance creates anxiety. It's just one big nasty cycle....

I'm going to go do work now. I hope. I might just end up on facebook or twitter or gchat. Hope not, though.